Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help go to moneyhelper.org.uk/en

Scam Warnings

From time-to-time, fraudsters target the Bee Loans company information, to fraudulently send emails and text messages out to those who haven't requested to receive such marketing. They often create a site similar to Bee Loans, and pretend to be us, in order to financially benefit from loan applications. Below we will list every fraudulent action we discover, along with advice on what to do if you've been affected.

Scam Email In Circulation - 10th November 2020

Bee Loans Has been made aware of a scam email in circulation addressed from "Bee Personal Loans". The email redirects to beeloans.uk. This URL is not affiliated with beeloans.co.uk, but has stolen the company information, to fraudulently use on the website.

***If you receive an email similar to the below, from "Bee Personal Loans", that redirects to beeloans.uk, PLEASE IGNORE AND BLOCK THE SENDER.***

At this stage, we do not believe the email is malicious, in that if you click the links within the email your device will be at risk. The website appears to have been set up for the sole purpose of sending spam emails to non-compliant emails that have not opted in to marketing of this nature, and to financially benefit from loan applications in another company's name. However, for your saftey, please do not click any links within the email before you delete.

We have today informed the Financial Conduct Authority, and Action Fraud UK of the situation, and will conitnue to do everything within our power to shut these fraudsters down.